Saturday, 14 August 2010


Yo guys how is your weekend going? Just wanted to inform you guys of an advantage you could have or you should get. Some of you may already know this. So today I thought that I should give a tailor some of my clothes to adjust (I have been committed to working out and I have been losing weight so my clothes just keep getting more loose). So I did, and when it was done, I was happy. These clothes I would defo rock again...especially the jeans! So yeah, don't be too fast to throw away clothes because of the size (you could give a charity shop if you wanted too though). There are a lot of clothes I have given away because they were to big (as I was a chubby fellow before lol), now I know better.


  1. ard times eh bro? ;-p i joke. completely agree. tailors or better yet get a machine and do the thing urself!

  2. hahahaha!
    i actually hav a few friends who r designers so dey cn do it for me lol.


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