Thursday, 3 June 2010

Heavy Heart! I woke up this morning, prayed to thank God for another day and for the Spirit to invade me, and then went into this mode of what you can call being 'heavy hearted'. I think it was due to something I saw yesterday, which was basically a case of immorality being embraced, and it affected me big time! Not only focusing on what I saw, but looking at the world today, so many wrong things are embraced and it's actually crazy. I know things like this will happen eventually before Christ comes but its like...a bit scary, and I really thank God for His Word because it has opened my eyes to what is TRUELY RIGHT AND WRONG.

God made me realise what it means to conform to the ways of the world this morning, which I think sometimes people misinterprete. What I found today is things become 'normal' to the world, we should check with God's word to see if it is ok. But at the same time, the Bible does say that if whatever good you do causes your brother to fall, then don't do it! *sigh*, I wish people could just come out of the religiousness and just preach Christ, who can convict all areas of your life and deeds so you will be able to know if they are good. In this way, certain thing won't be looked down upon because people are slightyly mixing culture with the Word of God, and even their own personal opinions. Anyway back to what I was saying.

I do thank God thatstuff like this is affecting me because it shows God has actually touched my heart! In the song 'Hossanah' by Hillsong, there is a line that goes 'break my heart for what breaks Yours', and I know God has definately done that to me or is doing to me.

But anyway, this has made me more 'mentally' careful with what I want to do and say, which will hopefully come out in the physical. Sometimes we can indirectly encourage things wiithout even knowing you know?! For example, laughing at plain STUPID jokes or sly insults that people say, not being careful of what you do and say around different people (which is not wisdom) because not there are thigns you can say and do with some people that you can't do with others if that makes sense? Etc.

1Tim 4 vs 11 - 12 is very relevant to this because it informs you on how you can shine as Christ wherever you go, and promote godliness! Spreading the word  is important but being an example also is too.

...this has definately made me want to be an instrument for righteousness which eases the pressure of doing things as a 'duty' if you understand what I mean. It's from the heart so its easier. Anyway, I pray with God's strength I do the best I can. Peace!


  1. I'm looking for the 'like' button but i cant find it..... probably because this is NOT Facebook!
    lol Once again Timi You went IN!!

  2. lol thnks guys, but truly all glory be to God innit
    and breeny, smh, ur just a facebook addict :P


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